From time to time, it seems that we hear new diet tips today. It can be effortless to fall victim to misleading information when there are so many different arguments online. Moreover, even nutritionist experts sometimes have contradictory views on the subject. But fortunately, there are specific tips that are universally considered totally wrong.

Starting a diet can be extremely demanding, both physically and psychologically. So it’s natural that you want to make sure you’re taking the right steps to achieve your goals. But don’t worry anymore! We put together 8 of the so-called most popular diet “rules” that you should completely walk away from if you want to lose weight efficiently.
1. Exercise means you can eat whatever you want
As passionate as you are about going to the gym and visiting the weight room, it’s undeniable that the most essential factor in controlling your weight is a daily diet. Exercise alone will never make you healthy. On the contrary, studies have indicated that you don’t even need to exercise to lose weight and feel better. All you have to do is improve the quality of your diet.
It’s not the end of the world if you have your occasional “cheating day,” but try to improve the positive effects of your workout with some healthy eating options. These should include healthy fats and whole grains while keeping your sugar intake to a minimum.
2. Eat as much fiber as you want
I understand, fiber is incredibly good for your health and helps you reduce excessive amounts of food by promoting a feeling of fullness. BUT don’t exaggerate! It’s a great myth that you should consume as much fiber as you can each day because too much can backfire.
Nutritionists agree that about 60 to 70 grams of fiber per day are more than enough to allow you to enjoy all the benefits of it. Climb higher and get ready for all kinds of problems as too much fiber causes bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and even intestinal obstruction! Be careful; you’ve been warned.
3. Avoid eating late at night at all costs
Oh yes, even this universally accepted advice is not 100% accurate. It is not necessary to stop eating food at a particular time of day (7 pm, for example) to lose weight. It’s as simple as this: If you are (really) hungry, you should definitely eat something. There’s no need to go for a burger, for example (because your body has more difficulty burning calories late at night), but a small snack can help you more than hurt you.
The greatest and most simplistic myth is that all foods become fat at night. Choose healthy options like yogurt, avocado, or cottage cheese, and you’ll be fine.
4. A good breakfast is 100% necessary to lose weight
I can practically hear your thoughts as you read this. Everyone agrees that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? And especially if you want to get rid of the unnecessary weight, right? Well, yes and no. While it is true that there is evidence that obesity levels increase among those who do not have breakfast, More advanced analyses have shown that this is probably connected to the fact that these people tend to have other worse lifestyle habits in general.
More recent studies have shown that eating breakfast has no significant health implications. Again, the best thing you can do is eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full.
5. All the fat makes you fat
The times when fats were considered the greatest enemy of a healthy diet and a flat abdomen belong to the past. Healthy fats from unsaturated sources are absolutely essential in your diet if you intend to lose weight. Numerous studies have shown that foods rich in fat but low in carbohydrates can have a positive effect on weight control.
But beware, because fat has the drawback that it is very rich in calories and is also found a lot in junk food. But in general, fat is not the only culprit of making you fat, and consuming it in moderation is necessary for your body to function properly.
6. Supplements can help you lose weight
Welcome to the world of marketing. I don’t know if you know this, but the weight loss industry is absolutely massive. Many companies claim that dietary supplements have supernatural effects, but independent studies often reveal that they do not. Mostly, these things work for some people just because of the placebo effect. And if someone starts taking supplements, they will most likely really try to eat better and healthier.
That said, the best supplements on the market can help you lose a small amount of weight over several months, but only if they combine with a general shift toward a healthier lifestyle.
7. Being thin is definitely healthy
Well, wrong! While obesity increases the risk of several chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers, being thin is not always the answer. You can be metabolically healthy and have an above-average weight and, on the contrary, it is totally possible to be thin and have serious chronic diseases.
When it comes to your health, the most important thing is the specific point where fat accumulates. And no wonder, a lot of abdominal fat means you have an increased risk of metabolic disease.
8. Fast food can’t be healthy
I don’t know if you heard, but it’s 2020. And most fast-food chains are realizing the shift of people toward a healthier lifestyle. That’s why almost all of them are offering healthy alternatives to their most famous dishes.
I do not intend to convince you that every individual aware of his or her health will instantly be satisfied with the numerous options. All I’m trying to say is that wherever you are today, it’s not impossible to get something relatively healthy if you don’t have time to prepare a proper meal.