
Enzyme Rich Foods You Need to Eat Every Day


Almost all metabolic processes in the cells need enzymes. Without enzymes, our body cannot start metabolic processes. That means that your metabolism will suffer, and you will not be able to produce energy from the foods you consume. But enzymes are much more. They are responsible for much more, not just energy production. There are more than 3,000 enzymes in our body. And they are a vital part of every physiological process in our body. Therefore, for a healthy life, we need foods that are rich in enzymes.

If you want to know why your body needs enzymes, here are just some of the processes that enzymes support:

  • Energy production
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Absorption of oxygen
  • Healing wounds
  • Fighting infections
  • Flush away toxic waste
  • Carry nutrients to your cells
  • Dissolve blood clots
  • Regulate hormone production
  • Break down fats in the blood
  • Slow the aging process

Without enzymes, you will feel tired and week. That being said, I want to introduce six enzyme rich foods you should consume on a daily basis. You cannot eat all six every day, but you can start by eating at least one of them.

We are talking about sprouts, particularly seeds and nuts. When they are in their raw state, nuts and seeds are extremely rich in enzyme inhibitors. Those enzyme inhibitors keep them from sprouting. However, once you soak nuts and seeds in water, the seed starts to sprout, and the nutrients become active. We need all of those nutrients for proper digestion.


Pineapple is the king of enzyme rich foods. Pineapple contains bromelain in large doses, an active component that slows down aging, has anti-cancer properties, and reduces inflammation. And that is all in addition to protein-digesting enzymes. Pineapple contains lots of these enzymes that help with coagulation of the blood and excessive inflammation. They are called cysteine proteinases.


Bananas are a popular fruit because they are rich in potassium and minerals like magnesium. But they are also rich in two enzymes known as maltase and amylase. The later, found in your saliva, is the first enzyme that helps you break down carbs. Amylase is the reason starchy foods taste sweet when you chew them. Maltase, on the other hand, breaks down malt sugar in your body.


Among fruits, avocado contains the highest amount of fat. But that is healthy fat in the form of omega-3 fatty acids. Avocado also contains lipase, an enzyme that can break down dietary fat. This enzyme is responsible for regulating your digestion, and without it, you might suffer from indigestion. Even more importantly, avocado contains enzymes that reduce inflammation.


The last fruit on the list is known as an energy booster. Papaya will raise your energy levels better than any cup of coffee. But the fruit also plays a role in keeping your digestive system healthy. Papaya contains papain, a proteolytic enzyme that breaks down meat and other proteins.

Bee pollen

Bee pollen contains more than 5,000 enzymes. That makes it the best enzyme rich food on the market. Even more, bee pollen contains components that facilitate enzyme activity. Bee pollen is considered a natural antioxidant that helps your immune system. You can consume it by adding to smoothies or oatmeal. Truth be told, any snack can benefit from some bee pollen.

Fermented foods

Fermented foods get a bad reputation. But fermented vegetables are some of the best sources of live enzymes. The only thing you need to pay attention is that your fermented foods are not pasteurized. In addition to live enzymes, fermented foods are also rich in probiotics, making them ideal for improving your digestion.
