
TRY THESE 9 Ideas To Stop Yourself From Overthinking


Thinking too much is fast becoming the new epidemic of the 21st century. People around the world are increasingly trapped in a tunnel of «what if» scenarios and overestimate every choice they have made in their lives, questioning their motives and line of thought. The results of recent studies are astounding. 3 out of 4 adults between the ages of 25 and 35 are considered as overpensadores.

With excessive thinking, every little problem can become bigger and scarier. Positive things can be seen as no longer so positive. The pure happiness that comes from just enjoying something disappears. And don’t get it wrong, thinking things over before you do them or understanding the consequences of your actions is absolutely vital. But there’s a fine line between useful analysis and fearsome excess thinking

TRY THESE 9 Ideas To Stop Yourself From Overthinking

Fortunately, there are simple things you can try and they will get you out of that vicious circle. We have gathered 9 small modifications to your daily habits that will help you think smarter and live happier.

1. Stop trying to do several tasks at once

You may not realize it, but sometimes doing several things at once can lead to thinking too much. If you can focus on one or two specific things during the day, you can think clearly and avoid ending up in a tension space.

Take some breaks on a regular basis as well. Mental rest can sometimes be more important than physical rest. Sometimes all you need is to clear your mind of everything and enjoy a moment of relaxation.

2. Start the day hard

I’m sure you know the saying «A good start is half the job». In fact, the way you start your day early in the morning often tends to set the tone of the day. Try not to stress yourself out in the morning.

Some exercise or reading something positive and uplifting during breakfast can help a lot in that regard. ¡ Even a little cheerful and motivating music in the car or bus on the way to work will increase your energy levels and positivity!

3. Accept that it is impossible to control Arlo all

Sometimes we feel the responsibility to cover all possible outcomes of a situation so that we don’t risk making a mistake or making fools of ourselves. But as we said before, there is a big difference between reflexive planning and toxic excess thinking.

Realize that mistakes are part of living a life. Learn to get out of your comfort zone and take risks. Accept the help of others and trust them to do their work. Of course, all these things are easier said than done. Start with small steps if you want and continue when you see the first results.

4. Improve the quality of your sleep

Let’s be honest, when discussing the topic of excess thoughts, have you ever considered that bad sleep can play an important role in your negative thinking habits? The answer is probably no, but the reality is that lack of good quality sleep makes you vulnerable to bad thoughts and a general negative mindset.

And let’s not forget that it also hinders the ability to think clearly in stressful situations. The most important things to do to improve the quality of your sleep are:

  • Keep your bedroom cool
  • Consider using earplugs if there is a lot of discomforts
  • Don’t make yourself fall asleep

5. Always remember to put things in perspective

This sounds obvious, but it’s incredibly powerful. Thinking too often involves very unimportant things in your life. So when you fall into the trap of thinking and thinking for hours, stop and ask yourself: Will any of this matter in 3 years? Or even three months from now?

If the answer is no, this simple question can probably get you out of all these thoughts immediately. Broadening your perspective can help you focus on the important things, which are really meaningful in the long run.

6. Start to exercise

¡The exercise cures everything! You may not see a clear correlation between your excessive thinking habits and the frequency of your workouts, but research suggests otherwise. Exercise can really help you let go of internal tensions and concerns while at the same time letting off steam.

Many people say they feel much more determined after training. In general, the physical exhaustion you can feel afterward is much better than the mental exhaustion you get from excess thinking.

7. Spend time with positive thinkers

Even if you don’t admit it to yourself, your social partners play an important role in who you are. And that obviously includes your excessive thinking habits. Try to think of any source in your life that creates these bad thoughts in your mind. And not just close friends or co-workers. What you read, see or hear must also be considered.

Once you’ve identified them, think of all the sources that do the exact opposite. The secret to stopping over-analyzing things is to find ways to devote more time and attention to the positive influences of your life.

8. Reduce la velocidad de tu vida

Desacelera la forma en que haces lo que sea que estés haciendo. Incluso las cosas más simples pueden ser más lentas. Habla más despacio, muévete más despacio o anda en bicicleta más despacio. «¿Pero por qué?», puedo oírte preguntar. Al ir más despacio, eres capaz de vivir cada momento plenamente en el presente.

Pensar demasiado las cosas la mayoría de las veces significa que estás a la deriva en el pasado o en un posible futuro. Reconectarse con el presente es a menudo la diferencia entre horas de sobreanálisis y una línea de pensamiento saludable.

9. Evita las situaciones en las que sepas que no eres tú mismo

Déjame explicarte lo que quiero decir. Los pensamientos negativos a menudo surgen cuando tienes hambre o sueño. Pero es realmente importante entender que no puedes confiar en tu mente en todo momento y no dejes que estos pensamientos te hagan daño.

Piensa en todas las cosas importantes cuando sepas con certeza que puedes pensar con claridad. Las horas tempranas de la mañana después del desayuno y una buena noche de sueño son probablemente tu mejor opción.

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